The 10:00 am service is full of music and makes use of modern language throughout. People begin to arrive about 15-20 minutes before the service and either chat in the narthex or sit in the quiet of the nave. A greeter will be at the door to welcome you, and as you go up the stairs the sidesperson will hand you a liturgy booklet. The service begins with the chiming of the prayer bell, an instrumental prelude, and then we stand to sing the processional hymn. The liturgy booklet will guide you through the service as we listen to readings from the Bible, hear a sermon, offer prayer and repentence, and share in the bread and wine of communion.

For those who wish to give an offering or donation to the parish, there is an offering plate on the table just outside the nave in which donations can be placed. Visitors are not expected to give; we're glad to have you as our guest! You don't have to be Anglican to receive the Eucharist, but if you don't feel comfortable with that, you are most welcome to come and receive a blessing. The sidesperson will direct you when it is time to move forward for communion. We finish our worship with a blessing from the priest, a recessional hymn, and the dismissal, "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." 

The service is typically finished by 11:20 am. We look forward to meeting you!